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Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Jul 5 2013

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From BBC News, May 19, 2013:

“Since 1998, there has been an unexplained “standstill” in the heating of the Earth’s atmosphere.  Writing in Nature Geoscience, the researchers say this will reduce predicted warming in the coming decades.”

So, they can’t explain why we haven’t been warming and why their predictions were wrong, but no matter, they’re going to stick to the same predictions anyway:

“But long-term, the expected temperature rises will not alter significantly.”

Source: BBC News – Climate slowdown means extreme rates of warming ‘not as likely’
Address : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22567023

From The Economist, March 30, 2013:

“OVER the past 15 years air temperatures at the Earth’s surface have been flat while greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar.”

Temperatures haven’t risen even while “[t]he world added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. That is about a quarter of all the CO2 put there by humanity since 1750.”

“Over the past decade the long-term rise in surface seawater temperatures seems to have stalled”.

“[T]his lack of new warming is a surprise”

“The mismatch between rising greenhouse-gas emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now”.

So, how do scientists and The Economist react when the scientists’ very models which made these global warming predictions don’t match up with their observations, don’t match up with reality, when the models’ ability to predict is shown NOT to work?   Not at all.   See here how they keep up with the party line even though it’s clearly bogus:

“So what does all this amount to? The scientists are cautious about interpreting their findings. As Dr Knutti puts it, “the bottom line is that there are several lines of evidence, where the observed trends are pushing down, whereas the models are pushing up, so my personal view is that the overall assessment hasn’t changed much.”

Source URL: http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21574461-climate-may-be-heating-up-less-response-greenhouse-gas-emissions)


From The New York Times, June 11, 2013:

“As unlikely as this may sound, we have lucked out in recent years when it comes to global warming.  The rise in the surface temperature of earth has been markedly slower over the last 15 years than in the 20 years before that. And that lull in warming has occurred even as greenhouse gases have accumulated in the atmosphere at a record pace.

“The slowdown is a bit of a mystery to climate scientists.”

“[G]iven how much is riding on the scientific forecast, the practitioners of climate science would like to understand exactly what is going on. They admit that they do not”

“Now, here is a crucial piece of background: It turns out we had an earlier plateau in global warming, from roughly the 1950s to the 1970s, and scientists do not fully understand that one either.”

Source: What to Make of a Climate-Change Plateau – NYTimes.com
Address : http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/11/science/earth/what-to-make-of-a-climate-change-plateau.html?_r=1&

It was disappointing that the New York Times didn’t have a readers’ comment section for this article about the missing warming in “global warming”, but I found this funny post about it here: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/350738/global-warming-assumes-room-temperature-mark-steyn#comments where 517 people commented, and I had time to read a few of the comments, copied below:

“Ahh, but you have to admire the audacity of the global warmists….they have come up with models that not only can’t predict the future with any accuracy, but can’t even predict the past with any accuracy either. Yes, they are wrong, but by gum, they are consistent. (When I was a teen, it was the unstoppable ice age; then global warming and now that it has been unchanged for 15 years, the next crisis will undoubtedly be climate stagnation. And the answer will be the same as they have always proposed: spend billions of dollars, put millions out of work and beggar every advanced economy in the world).” (Charlie Johnston)


“And that lull in warming has occurred even as greenhouse gases have accumulated in the atmosphere at a record pace.” Ah, so greenhouse gases. mostly generated by
human activity, have greatly increased but the warming hasn’t. Presumably not a unique phenomenon in the climate history of the planet thus far reconstructed.. Perhaps it’s time to recall one of the chief principles of inductive reasoning? “Nothing is the cause of a phenomenon in the presence of which the phenomenon fails to occur.” And, as regards all those meticulously researched periods of global warming, such as the Roman and the Middle Ages, there is the second part of that principle: “Nothing is the cause of a phenomenon in the absence of which the phenomenon nevertheless occurs.” But let’s not apply logic to well-seasoned religious belief.” (Miryan)


dont you think that the area of contention is what valid inferences are to be drawn from recent observed climatic variance?
I think climate tends to change, and that this current change isnt outside the range of our experiences as a species…
other disagree. the argument that the rate of change, or overall temperature levels are unprecedented is, at best, simply incorrect, and often, when advanced by those who should know better, is mendacious. [“men·da·cious” means not telling the truth; lying]. (davideisenstadt)



This lie has serious consequences.  As I’ve written on this website previously – This global warming theory is a crock and a dangerous one at that because it is giving those who get to decide how the resources of the globe are currently spent an excuse to waste our resources on more expensive forms of energy when cheaper forms are not, in fact, causing any global warming.   Instead of creating expensive new forms of energy, our efforts should be targeted to getting energy to the 25 percent of humanity still forced to live without electricity as quickly (and by necessity as cheaply) as we can.  That’s because the lack of electricity is not just an inconvenience for ¼ of us, it kills 5,400 people each day (see http://www.whatnewsshouldbe.org/front-page-news/electricity-still-missing-for-22-of-humanity )  Those without electricity have no choice but to live like cavemen, burning stuff in their unventilated homes for light and to cook, and breathing in all the resulting smoke kills 5,400 people, mostly women and children, each day.  You know, TODAY, not 50 years from now but TODAY, AND EVERY DAY.  So, while well meaning people worry and work to save the world from a future speculative threat now shown to be bogus (global warming), the well meaning do little to stop a CURRENT, REAL environmental pollution threat that kills 5,400 daily and are actually making it more difficult for those desperate for electricity by trying to force more expensive alternative energies on those who can least afford them – and all for a reason that has proven to be scientifically unsound.  (For inconvenient truths about alternative energies & how the “clean energy” scam has been a crime against humanity see http://www.whatnewsshouldbe.org/front-page-news/electricity-still-missing-for-22-of-humanity )


The biggest challenge we have environmentally — and it is an international challenge that we cannot solve alone is the issue of climate change. There are other issues: dirty water, dirty air. [1] But the truth is, is that we’ve made enormous progress over the last several years, over the last several decades in the United States. And if you come to the United States, environmental quality is pretty good. And internationally, we’ve promoted policies around how mercury is released into the environment, and how other poisons are released in the environment, and how businesses have to be held to international standards in terms of worker safety. Those are areas where the United States have been at the forefront. We’ve been at the front of the line, not the back of the line when it comes to those issues.

But the existential challenge that we face has to do with a warming planet. And your generation is the one that’s going to be the most severely affected. Now, the United States and other highly industrialized, developed countries over the last 50, 100 years have been pumping up carbon emissions into the atmosphere. And slowly, this has been building up and it is warming the planet, and we may be reaching a tipping point in which if we do not solve this problem soon, it will spin out of control and change weather patterns in ways that we can’t anticipate, with drought, floods, much more severe natural disasters. And unfortunately, in those situations it’s often poorer countries that are affected the most by these changing climate patterns.

So I just gave a speech this past week on what the United States is going to do on our next phase of reducing our carbon emissions. The United States actually reduced our carbon emissions more than any other country since I came into office. I just want to make that point. (Applause.) We doubled fuel-efficiency standards on cars. We’re investing in clean energy like solar and wind. And we actually want to share that technology, because we think that all countries need to benefit. And part of the opportunity for Africa is to see if we can leapfrog some of the polluting practices of America or Europe, and go straight to the clean energy strategies that will allow you to advance economic growth, but not corrupt the planet.

So we’ve made progress, but we haven’t done enough. And what I did was to say I challenge the United States. I said we’ve got to do more. We’re going to start regulating our power plants more efficiently. We’re going to make sure that we redouble our efforts to reduce our carbon emissions, and we’re setting a goal to meet the agreements that we had both in Copenhagen and in Durban for advanced countries that have a big carbon footprint.

But let me make one last point: The United States cannot do it by itself. And the biggest emitter of carbon right now is China. They still have a much lower carbon footprint per person than the United States, but because they have so many people, it’s going up rapidly. And Chinese leaders understand this. The same thing that’s sending all the carbon into the atmosphere is also making it difficult to breathe in Beijing. So they recognize they’ve got to come up with a new development model. India is going to have to come up with new development models — Africa.

We’re going to all have to work together to find ways in which collectively, we reduce carbon but we make sure that there’s some differentiation so that countries that are very wealthy are expected to do more, and countries that are still developing, obviously they shouldn’t be resigned to poverty simply because the West and Europe and America got there first. That wouldn’t be fair. But everybody is going to have to do something. Everybody is going to have to make some important choices here. And I expect that it’s going to be your generation that helps lead this, because if we don’t, it’s going to be your generation that suffers the most.

Ultimately, if you think about all the youth that everybody has mentioned here in Africa, if everybody is raising living standards to the point where everybody has got a car and everybody has got air conditioning, and everybody has got a big house, well, the planet will boil over — unless we find new ways of producing energy. And tomorrow, or the next day, when I visit Tanzania, I’m actually going to be going to a power plant to focus on the need for electrification, but the need to do it in an environmentally sound way.

Source: Obama at Young African Leaders Initiative Town Hall | IIP Digital
Address : http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/texttrans/2013/06/20130629277875.html#axzz2YIwW3cOh

  1. [1] Dirty water and dirty air are, unlike global warming, the REAL and DEADLY environmental threats humanity faces.  Regarding dirty water, see http://www.whatnewsshouldbe.org/front-page-news/what-a-shitty-way-to-die and regarding dirty air, see http://www.whatnewsshouldbe.org/front-page-news/electricity-still-missing-for-22-of-humanity.

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